, Bali - Niantic Inc, the developer of Pokemon GO, together with The Pokémon Company (TPC), the Indonesian Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry (Kemenparekraf), and Garuda Indonesia are collaborating to present an event called "Pikachu's Indonesia Journey".
The event will be held in Bali, Indonesia on March 2-3, and features various exciting activities. Not only that, players can also hunt for the iconic pokemon, Pikachu, in a batik shirt!
"A batik shirted Pikachu will appear in the wild in Bali, debuting on March 2, 2024 and continuing to appear throughout the year," said Niantic Inc.'s Head of Emerging Markets APAC. Refael Siregar, Thursday (1/11).
This event is part of Pokemon Air Adventures which had previously been held in various countries. Rafael hopes that the event can boost Indonesia's tourism sector.
- Sport